a truly masterful class on improvisation
The freedom to play from your heart
the one skill that sets you apart from the majority of pianists
FREE Lessons Level 1:
- Harmonizing a Melody
- The Alberti Bass
FREE Lessons Level 2:
- Chord Progressions
- Cadences, Sequences and Modulations in Minor Keys
FREE Lessons Level 3:
- Variating Sequences with Extended Dominants
- Other Possibilities for Returning to the Home Key
start playing from your heart today
Level 1 Workbook (32 pages)
20 lessons of condensed knowledge
10 Lessons Without Form
(meaning without a classical composition form like Sonata or Minuet for example)
- Improvising with chords on a bass line (I, IV & V scale degrees)
- The dominant seventh chord, improvising a melody using chord notes
- Perfect & imperfect cadences
- Using passing notes in your impro
- Improvising a melody on chords
- How to harmonise a melody (and never need to buy scores of arrangements anymore)
- Using suspensions in your impro
- Improvise with anticipation notes & scales
- The subdominant with added sixth chord, using half-tone suspensions
- Typical classical patterns to spice up your impro (specific rhythms, harmonies, endings, the notion of motives, using unisono)
10 Lessons Improvisation on a Form - Variations
- Definition & variation types, choosing a theme, improvising a melodic variation
- Rhythmic variation in the right hand (r.h.)
- Variating the articulation and piano register, using thirds and “broken” thirds, the off-beat
- Melodic variation with motives based on passing notes, turns, suspensions
- „Breaking“ chords (r.h.) into tuplets (triplets) & other rhythmical choices
- Variating the left hand (l.h.), using different chord notes
- Creating various accompaniment patterns (l.h.)
- „Broken” chords (l.h.), the Alberti bass
- Minor harmonies & variations in both hands, the syncopation
- Improvising a shiny virtuoso variation and wowing everybody
C Major Scale, basic intervals, basic chords (triads), early intermediate piano playing abilities (music reading, articulation & dynamics)
Basic melody improvisation on the basic scale degrees (I, IV & V) and typical accompaniment forms like the Alberti bass (l.h.), basic melody harmonisation, passing notes, anticipation notes, suspensions, basic cadences (finished, half-finished), minor transposition, syncopation, technique practice
Chord progressions to improvise on
Examples of „fills“ (filling the space within intervals) & turns
Level 2 Workbook (56 pages)
20 lessons of condensed knowledge
10 Lessons on Improvisation Without Form
(meaning without a classical composition form like Sonata or Minuet for example)
- Short recap of Level 1, add the VI scale degree to your impros
- The surprising effect of the deceptive cadence
- Using the II scale degree in cadences & sequences
- The progression of falling fifths and other chord progressions based on various intervals
- Typical beginning & ending harmonies
- Triad inversions (r.h.), beginnings & cadences with inverted triads
- More triad inversions (r.h.), the golden rule of harmony
- „Broken“ chords patterns (r.h.), progression of fifths with inverted chords, inverting the subdominant with added sixth chord
- The leading note & the silver rule of harmony, inverting the dominant seventh chord
- Embellishments, improvise based on an opening, a sequence & a cadence
10 Lessons Improvisation on a form - Minuet & Trio
- Definition & A-B-A form, creating the A section
- Creating the B section: the pedal point
- Creating the returning A section
- Modulating to the dominant: the secondary chord (double dominant)
- Options in the returning A section: transposition, pedal point opening
- Creating a Trio in major & minor keys
- Cadences, sequences and modulations in minor keys
- Accompaniment patterns & different chord notes in the l.h., suspension endings
- Cadences & sequences with different chord notes l.h.
- Extended dominants in sequences & cadences (major & minor keys)
Major & minor scales up to 3 alterations, basic melody improvisation on the basic scale degrees (I, IV & V) and basic accompaniment forms (Alberti bass), basic melody harmonisation, passing notes, anticipation notes, suspensions, basic cadences (finished, half-finished), minor mode, intermediate piano playing abilities
Improvisation of A-B-A pieces & rich Major & minor melodies using triad inversions on various harmonies and different chord notes l.h. (I, II, IV, V/V7, VI scale degrees), various accompaniment forms, intermediate cadences (plagal, deceptive) & sequences (progression of 5ths), basic harmony notions (the leading note, dissonances, resolving V7 & dissonances), basic modulating notions (the secondary/double dominant), technique practice
More modulations & inverted harmonies
Chords and harmony inversions in narrow and wide ranges
Level 3 Workbook (74 pages)
20 lessons of condensed knowledge
10 Lessons on Improvisation Without Form
(meaning without a classical composition form like Sonata or Minuet for example)
- Short recap of Level 2, inverting & resolving the dominant seventh inverted harmony, suspensions in ending cadences
- Variating sequences with extended dominants
- The typical classical syncopated rhythm, inverting & resolving the subdominant with added sixth inverted harmony, sequences with suspensions
- Creating accompaniment forms based on inverted chords, sequences in the l.h.
- Improvise using parallel patterns in both hands, broken chords, tremollos, arpeggios
- Minor scale modes and cadences
- Improvise sequences with the progression of falling fifths, diatonic & chromatic seventh chords in minor keys
- Using the German and Napolitan sixth chords in your cadences
- Examples of open/imperfect cadences in major and minor keys
- Advanced examples of patternst to improve your technique with
10 Lessons Improvisation on a form - The Sonata
- Definition & structure, improvising the opening and main theme in the exposition
- Improvising the second theme and the exposition end
- Improvising the development (1)
- Improvising the development (2), augmentation and diminution
- Other possibilities for returning to the home key in the development
- Improvising the recapitulation (reexposition) and a Coda
- Improvising the exposition in minor keys – harmonic possibilities
- Improvising the development in minor keys - possible transitions (1)
- Improvising the development in minor keys – possible transitions (2)
- Modulating with the full diminished chord
All major & minor scales, improvisation of A-B-A pieces & rich Major & minor melodies using triad inversions on various harmonies and different chord notes l.h. (I, II, IV, V, VI scale degrees), various accompaniment forms, intermediate cadences & sequences, basic harmony notions (the leading note, dissonances), basic modulating notions (the secondary/double dominant), advanced piano playing abilities
Improvise complex pieces & polyphonic, virtuoso and rich melodies (r.h.) on lots of harmonies and their inversions (all scale degrees), on various accompaniment forms, inversion of harmonic functionality (melody in the l.h. etc.), advanced cadences (napolitan, German 6 a.o.) & sequences (Fonte & Monte, 7-chords), advanced modulation (Major & minor), advanced harmony notions, technique practice
How to practice improvisation and improve your technical abilities at the same time
How to improvise a cadenza for a classical piano concerto
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- purchase the course on this website
- download the FREE APP from our partners KAJABI
- use your login credentials from your course purchase to login to the app
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Works on all Devices
With our free "KAJABI MOBILE APP" you can login with your credentials from your purchase and learn on any device you wish

Send Us Your Video
We love to see your progress. You can send us one video when purchasing the complete bundle and receive feedback from Ioana Ilie personally

Workbook Included
All tutorials include an extensive workbook with many further examples and bonus exercises

Questions? Answers!
Leave comments or questions below the respective lesson and we will answer you as soon as possible

Interactive Learning Experience
The videos combined with the workbook and ability to ask questions will give you a complete and interactive learning experience

Our customer-only community is here to help each other out and to grow together
All Levels in a Bundle
- you'll keep lifetime access once payment is completed.
- That's 60 Lessons worth of one-on-one tutoring
- You can send one video of your improvisation and will receive a personal answer from Ioana Ilie. This is another EUR 150,- value.
EUR 369,- One-time payment
One payment and you can access the course anytime.
EUR 139,- Three monthly payments
After the 3 monthly payments the course remains accessible to you.
BUY NOW30 Day Money Back Guarantee
To make your purchasing decision easier we are proud to offer a 30 day unconditional money back guarantee. If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase simply contact us within 30 days of the purchase to receive a full refund. No questions asked! You even get to keep the workbook.
Try this class risk-free.

What customers say about this class

JO Preston
I really love Ioana’s lessons on Improvising on piano. I enrolled about 2 months ago for all 3 levels. I have nearly completed level one but will go over it again several times to improve my improvising.
Ioana explains & demonstrates each lesson really well. Her knowledge of music theory and her piano playing is excellent. She encourages you to explore and improvise using your own ideas. I can ask questions and leave comments after each lesson which is good, Ioana will always give a prompt, informative & supportive answer in the comments section.
It helps me a lot to be able to watch her hands playing at the bottom of the screen.
The work book is excellent. I can navigate the course easily and go over the lessons as many times as I need to.
Since working through this course, I have become more confident and able to improvise on the piano. Previously I could not play with out the written music. I have also improved in my general piano playing especially my Left hand coordination. Its great fun to play my own music and develop new tunes. I am virtually deaf and play at about grade 2 level.
The course has also helped me improvise better on my Saxophones. My knowledge of music theory is expanding.
Jeff is very helpful and supportive, he is developing new ideas and courses all the time.
I would definitely recommend this course for all piano abilities.